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We are practical because we make suggestions that you as an operator or owner will understand in plain language. We don’t use “talk over your head language” using the latest buzzwords.

We keep it straightforward. Grow the important revenue sources, keep a close eye on the expenses, train and develop your staff, seek continual improvement, communicate effectively with members, golfers, and staff, plan for the future, and provide a consistently reliable and memorable experience for you members, golfers, and guests.

Ever read some of the stuff out there by the “experts” and find yourself scratching your head wondering what was said, let alone what it meant? We won’t dazzle you with the latest industry lingo. We will provide sound, sensible solutions that you can relate to and execute. We won’t overwhelm you with words, phrases, concepts that you don’t understand or try to impress you with philosophies that pay a lot of lip service.

We’ll look at the business critically each day and determine what’s working, what’s not, and our next steps. We’ll collaborate, learn and grow together.

Some businesses and websites, like TV remotes, DVR’s, smart phones, do way too many things and offer so many programs / apps that really aren’t useful. Quite frankly, there is a lot of stuff that one doesn’t need. We focus on the MAIN THINGS that drive the results a club or course is seeking. Good sound business fundamentals make up the “secret sauce” that everyone is seeking. There is no “magic bullet”. Success comes from consistently doing the little things properly each day. Our services are the same way and that’s why we consider ourselves practical.

We are an incredibly busy municipal course where we both wear many hats. With GMMS, we don’t have to worry about sending out emails as that was always the first thing for us to push off to the side. We love their practical ideas as they share what has worked well with their other clients. They have our back and are looking for the good of our business – updating our collateral, looking for opportunities. It’s like having another set of eyes. And the communication is seamless – we like the quick response and how easy it is to do so.
- Thank you GMMS – you keep us on our toes! Jeremy Cabalka, General Manager – PGA, Pleasant View Golf Course

Let us help you work ON your business, not IN your business
